last week we traveled more or less a thousand kilometers in just 4 days. so much for green living and reducing my carbon footprint! while traveling is my ultimate high on life, I am not ahmm let's just say a cowgirl! I am not so forgiving with the restaurants/eateries we are forced to dine in. some municipalities just have no jollibees and mcdonalds which i've considered HOME.
well, they do offer heart-warming welcomes and hospitality, just not the security of safe water, add to that the trauma of possibly digesting something less than what is considered fitting.
the thought of upsetting my stomach somewhere far from decent toilet facilities and the horror of dehydration and enduring countless toilet trips is therefore the best excuse not to eat.
picky is not even the word to describe me. maarte, too harsh. i am forced to become selectively accepting of what goes into my intestines. if i may borrow Silas words - Doubt is Good!
so the Jollibee road sign along every long highways is corporate social responsibility working for my health and sanity.
civilization is thus reduced to the number of kilometers the next Jollibee outlet is situated, conveniently waiting for travelers with discerning stomachs.
note: author not paid by jollibee corp.
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