April 14, 2008
Resto: Pepper and Pepper @ Jacinto Extension, Davao City, Philippines
It's time for some celebrating! I filed my resignation letter last last week. After 7 months of not knowing what I really want to do with my life...hahaha I still honestly, don't know what to do with my life! But filing the resignation was like the doing myself a very big favor. Boredom is the most painful thing in my life right now! Well, actually the second most painful thing in my life. The ultimate heartbreaking fact of my life is not having enough dough to travel!
Bored and unhappy! Im too young to be bored and unhappy! in less than a month I could end up unemployed...and right now, COULD has no weight on me!
Anyhooooo...enough with the negativities! I passed the NEDA Technical exam! Yehey! its a biggie for me..you see my transcript says i settle wid 3's and i have this chronic love-affair with 5! I was expecting the exam to be difficult, and i wasn't disappointed! Difficult but manageable what compounded my misery was the limited time given and worse the questionnaires provided were over-used and difficult to read. Passing the exam felt like I deserved every inch of my BS Economics diploma!
Hay!!! 2 weeks to freedom! 2 weeks never tasted this sweet! labaw pa jud sa sweldo!!
I came to celebrate...and Pepper and pepper was just the right place for that!
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